Scientific Journal Published What an Artist Discovered and Why Scientists Could Not: Method of Everything Obtained Data About the Origin of the Universe
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Nonlocal No-Go Experiment Confirms Superdeterminism Loophole (U70.00001) The abstract and the Power Point presentation slides of this discovery are available at the APS website. See additional presentations: 2021 APS URL: How Motion … Created the Universe See: YouTube Video 2023 APS URL: Unambiguous Empirical Evidence of a Nonlocal Superdeterministic Universe See: YouTube Video |
Tempt Destiny findings have recently been applied to the field of elementary particle physics: |
Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System |
Tempt Destiny Experiment Time Line:
Unambiguous Empirical Evidence of Nonlocal Origin Variables Means Energy is Not Conserved: The findings from the twelve year Tempt Destiny experiment (2000-2012) has confirmed that there are two mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive nonlocal origin variables in nature which predetermine the certain and uncertain states of local effects of existence. The findings show that absolute determinism, i.e., superdeterminism, is not about effects of existence being certain or uncertain. It is about how the origin of existence is absolutely predetermined. The manuscript of the initial findings was published online on January 14, 2011, at the General Science Journal:
Physics of Predetermined Events Complementarity States of Choice-Chance Mechanics
Then the findings were presented at the American Physical Society (APS) meeting on April 30, 2011. During the presentation, I invited members of the audience to repeat/confirm the findings via the "coin-in-cup" experiment:
Then later, the manuscript was included into the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System:
PHYSICS OF PREDETERMINED EVENTS: Complementarity States of Choice-Chance Mechanics
The following year, I applied these findings to particle physics where it was discovered that the scientific method used in particle physics is based on a fundamental omission error. The peer-reviewed article was published in the International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences (IJFPS) on 12-24-12:
Then later, the manuscript was included into the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System:
E = G2 – In the following paper, I applied the First Cause model of Choice/Chance Mechanics to the Standard Model and found that both models reflect each other to some degree. By accounting for gravitational forces as the effects of the origin variables of selection (which physics does not), I was able to show how gravity gives rise to spin by placing cause before their effects. I submitted the article in the 2013 FQXi essay competition which consisted of 182 entries. I found it an honor to have my work be compared with those from the international science community, some of which are in the top of their fields. My article was ranked 3rd by the peer group and 1st with the public:
Spin States of Selection: Predetermined Variables of ‘bit’ (community/public rating)
Spin States of Selection: Predetermined Variables of ‘bit’ (E = G2 – manuscript)
Since then, I have written a peer-reviewed layman's summary of the evidence for public review:
Who Is Telling The Truth, Nature Or Man?
NEWS RELEASE - Mount Laurel, NJ - When I saw the movie titled “Concussion”, it inspired me to write the peer-reviewed article titled “Who Is Telling The Truth, Nature Or Man?” which was published in the international science journal, News Of Biomedical Sciences.The formal recognition by the National Academy of Science of Belarus of a fundamental omission error of how science is being conducted marks a significant development towards the advancement of science.
Cite: Morales, M.S., Who Is Telling The Truth, Nature Or Man?, News Biomed. Sci. (2016) Vol.13, No. 1. P. 86-90. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18914.53447
Fundamental Physics Experiment Reveals Origin Construct of DNA
3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics October 19-21, 2017 New York, USA – In this presentation, I addressed the issue of first-order and how it lead to revealing the same X pattern similar to the X-ray diffraction photograph of the famed DNA image taken by Raymond Gosling in May 1952.Morales Nonlocal No-Go Experiment
Morales Nonlocal No-Go Experiment – At two physics conventions in Paris, France, (September - 2019 ) I presented how my findings apply to quantum mechanics, physics, and to all fields of science in general. Since the findings are universal and absolute, everyone can confirm for themselves, without any scientific background, if their existence is God given or if physical theories based on the conservation of energy, e.g., the Higgs boson or E = mc2, are or are not reflective of how nature works. |
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